I've been thinking a lot about change and what that means. So much uncertainty, yet so much excitement. Apprehension? Yes. Nervous? Yes. Confident? I am getting there. Supported? Luckily very much. Ready? Lets do this now.
There is no better time to change your life into the life you want but now. We are equipped with all the resources we need to do what is right for ourselves. Speaking for myself, this is my time. It is time to shed myself of corporate life. To grow into the person I always have wanted and have strived to be. It is time to help others. I have always been able to do this, but have been afraid. Afraid of failure. Fear is one of the worst ways we can live, for it is what opens the doors to regrets. And that is no way to live, living with the burden of a regret. So, I am living by the three C's right now. I have made the choice to take a chance and change my life. And hopefully in the process I will change the lives of others. Inspire others to follow their dreams, to live out their passions, to be in love with their life, every single moment.
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