Friday, September 27, 2013

new ventures

And finally the business cards are in! I could not be happier with how they turned out. My very talented friend, Sam Malpass (, put together the beautiful design for me....Ganesha coming out of a sunflower. Ganesha - teaching us to remove our obstacles and a beam of light from the sunflower....could not be more perfect for me. 

Ganesha has taught me so much over the past month. He is the Lord of Success, and destroyer of obstacles. His form represents even more - the soul, the earthly existence of human beings, wisdom, Om, sacrifice, and energy. Having just started down my own path, teaching yoga, training to be a Holistic Health Counselor, coaching Field Hockey - immersing myself in a new line of work, a new lifestyle - I look to Ganesha for guidance. I look to him to bless my new ventures, and I know that he has. 

Starting out down a new path is exciting and terrifying. I am lucky to have my yoga practice to guide me and keep me grounded. I hope that when I teach yoga, coach, and eventually be a Holistic Health Counselor, that I can help guide my students. I hope to give my students and peers a sense of belonging, and present them with all they need in order to be who they truly are. To live the life they are meant to live. To find their passion, bring it into their hearts, and go forward. 

Remove your obstacles. Take a leap. Let go of what needs to be gone, for you can only lose what you cling to. Breathe love into every inch of your mind, body, and life. There is nothing stopping you. This is your time. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

(be) inspired

Image taken from, curtsey of cbstudio.

Inspiration: (n) a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something.

I have been blessed to have so many inspirational people in my life, people who lift me up, make me want to be the best self I can be. And one of these lovely beings is my yoga instructor, teacher, and friend, Tracy Bleier.

I first met Tracy when I moved home from San Diego and took a class of hers in Norwalk. Immediately, I was moved. Being a new face in the room, she came right up, introduced herself, and truly helped me throughout the class. The way she spoke about life, love, and beauty all being intertwined with yoga....I knew I wanted more.

Having been lucky enough to take her and her husband, Mitchel Bleiers, yoga training program, I got to know Tracy even better, on a deeper level. Tracy is a beautiful person, inside and out. She is a mother, mentor, yogi, intellectualist, spiritual leader....a visionary. As she says, "My vision is that we as a collective consciousness, through our words, actions and choices give the world an experience that teaches it how to love itself every day, the way it in every moment teaches us." - Now when someone says something like that, how can you not just stop, listen, and breathe it in. This is what I wanted to hear daily. These are words of inspiration and truth. Let us all surround ourselves with people who speak so openly and honestly. 

Tracy has taught me to taste life regardless of the outcome, what unconditional love is and looks like, the power of the self, to not fall back but to continue to be the person I truly am, that we forget in order to have the beautiful memory of awakening. The list could truly go on and on. Every conversation you have with Tracy, on or off the mat, is one of genuine love. 

Tracy writes in her vision on "....It is my greatest accomplishment if I can help anyone who comes into my life to trust that they have what it takes within them to create the ease at which they can embrace who they are; in their own bodies, and in their own hearts and minds." - Trace, you have inspired me to do so. To embrace exactly who I am. I have opened my eyes and heart to see that beauty is in every corner of this life. Thank you for all you have done.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

(be) fearless

My Mantra for the Fall: I am fearless. I am free. When you fill your life with love, there is nothing to fear. Don't hold back. Enjoy every moment that comes your way. Let the joy of being alive fill you from head to toe. This beautiful earth supports us. The universe has provided us with all we need. I am fearless. I am free. 

I often hold back on the mat. I am afraid. I am afraid of inversions, of going into a deep backbend. If this is a fear of falling or failing, I am not sure. But, the fear is there. I am committed this Fall to let go of these fears, and jumping in. Trying it all. Falling is part of the practice. And there is no such thing as failing if you give it a try. I know that letting go and trying it all will deepen my practice and my classes. 

As you can see above - I am working on my King Pigeon (Kapotasana). I'm not there yet, but practicing each day will bring me closer and closer. This pose stretches the entire front of you body and deep into your hip flexors. King Pigeon strengthens your back muscles and stimulates the organs of your abs and beck. It is a wonderful but very deep backbend. And as I said before - I know I have the support of the earth and universe. I can trust myself, let go of fear, and go for it. 

“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it fearlessly.” - Steve Maraboli 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

hello world!

"We are what we do, and the more we do it, the more we become it." - Kent Nerburn 

Yesterday I said goodbye to the corporate world, and today, I said hello to the yoga world. I've been practicing for 6 years, so technically have always been a part of the yoga world, but now I have made it my profession. I am lucky to have the opportunity to do this. To do what I love, what makes me happy. Yoga is not only a physical practice, but a way of life. Yoga is in every inch of my body and soul. To be able to share yoga, to share this love to others in the studio and on the mat brings me so much joy. 

In my first official class today I spoke about this change. The conscious decisions we make to change ourselves for the better. We have so much more power than we even realize. Cultivate this power and make the decision to better yourself and those around you today. 

My Saturday morning mantra: I am a magnet for the goodness of life. I attract beautiful experiences, qualities, and situations. Love, peace, and joy are coming my way. All good things flow to me. I receive freely. I am free. I am blessed. I am whole. 

I am one with all that is. 

This is your one and blessed life, do what makes you your happiest self. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

easing into love

I recently wrote a post about loving yourself in order to fully love others. And I have luckily reached that point in my own life. I am completely comfortable with who I am, and am so incredibly blessed to have found someone who loves me for me. As many of my friends and family know, I can be a bit of an odd ball. So lucky for me, the guy that I love has embraced it all. All the quirks (trust me, there are many). But when and how did all of this happen?

We so often hear about 'love at first sight' but is that true? Maybe. That, I do not know. But it most likely does happen for some...we are all different beings. For me, it was that initial crush. I knew he was funny, intelligent, passionate, and boy, was he cute. Every time we were together, we learned more and more about each other, hearing old stories, making new ones. And that crush grew to a deep liking. And then one day it happened. I knew I was in love. 

I believe there is always that one moment, whether it be the first moment you speak to them, or days, months, years later. But there is a moment. I had met his parents, but never the siblings. It was his sisters birthday party, and I was going to meet the whole crew....all at once. Shakes, nerves, sweats...I had it all. But when we walked in I felt so comfortable. I looked up at him at one point that night,  and he was in his element...hanging out with family, cracking jokes, drinking a good beer, loving the moment. And it was then, I knew, I loved this boy. 

It's a slow feeling. One that creeps up on you, but yet you can feel it happening. You feel the walls slowly coming down, you feel yourself inching closer to one another. You feel different. You're falling - losing it - and hey, it's ok to feel a little crazy at first. It's all so new. You feel a sense of comfort. And then when you let go and realize you can be your odd, quirky, unique self in front of him - that is when you fully fall in love. Forget the fear of losing him, for it's the attachment to one that brings us fear. Lose the attachment, and fall deep, fall unconditionally in love. Know and trust that this is real for that will bring you the truest love. 

Ease into it. Ease into love. Don't rush it. It's is the greatest gift we have. You are loved, and you are a being of love. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

yoga, yoga, yoga

Twisting, twisting, twisting. One of my favorite parts of a yoga class are the twists. The twists, which many non-yogis relate to us looking like pretzels and are the reason they might fear taking a class, are incredibly beneficial to our health and well-being. We twist sitting on the ground, standing on two feet, standing on our heads...basically we twist whenever we can. Yoga twists improve flexibility, spinal mobility, internal health, and mental well-being. 

The Indian yoga master, B.K.S. Iyengar describes twists as a 'squeeze-and-soak' action. When we twist, the organs are compressed, pushing out blood filled with toxins. And when release, fresh blood flows in carrying oxygen and healing damaged tissue. The liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas, and spleen are all believed to benefit. We come out of twists feeling refreshed, cleansed, and have a better flow of circulation in our bodies. 

We often walk hunched over, look down at the computer, slouch on the couch.....the positions we perform in day to day living hinder our flexibility and spinal mobility. These positions, as well as being inactive, reduce movement in our joints, bring us back pain and bad posture. Twists can help mobilize the joints of your spine, bring flexibility to your waist, abs, and back muscles. By rotating your vertebrae gently, mobility improves. Rotate slowly and always remember your breath. 

Not only are they beneficial to our physical bodies, twists also help our mental well-being. They eliminate tension from deep within. You will be shocked at how much you hold in your hips! Twist those babies open. Physical tension can show itself as emotional stress. Twisting allows this stress to be cleansed from your body, you physically ring it away. They are invigorating, restorative, and empowering. They bring you a renewed sense of energy. 

Twist twist twist! I urge you! Whenever an instructor asks before class "Any requests?" I always ask for twists. And sometimes I get glares or sighs from other students, but come on! Lets twist away all of our physical and emotional stress and leave the classroom feeling bright, light, and energized! 

"Remember, it doesn’t matter how deep into a posture you go – what does matter is who you are when you get there." ~ Max Strom