Wednesday, November 13, 2013

yoga & sleep

(Video of below sequence - audio not working yet! Sorry!)

Yoga has been proven to calm the mind, relax the body and release tensions – all which help ease us into a full night of quality rest. However, I practice asana daily and still can have trouble sleeping some nights. One thought comes in to my head, leads me to another, and another, and then I realize it’s 3 a.m. and I’m still up. Practicing yoga before bed when our heads are running a wreck can be very helpful, however it’s not just the calming poses we need. We need those powerful poses that will release stress as well.

I’ve created a short sequence that can be done in 10 minutes just on your bedroom floor. Practice this and you’ll be easing into a restful nights sleep before you know it.

   High Lunge– Step your right foot forward and your left leg back into a lunge. Front knee over the heel, back heel over the ball of the foot. Inhale your arms to the sky. Exhale, the belly pulls in and navel lengthens down. Inhale the crown of your head high. Feel the hip of the extended leg open, breathe space into it. Take 5 rounds of breath then switch legs.

  Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold) – Feet hip distance apart, standing in tadasana. Fold forward from the hip joints, drawing the torso away from the hips, opening up the space between the thighs and belly. Weight more forward in your feet to lift hips over your heels. Hands reach to the ground or cross forearms and hold your elbows. Inhales left and lengthen torso, exhales release you more fully into the bend. Breathe here for 10-15 breaths.

    Cat/Cow Pose – In tabletop, inhale to cow pose, lift your sitting bones and chest toward the ceiling, allowing your belly to sink to the floor. Lift your head to look forward. Exhale to cat pose, round your spine toward the ceiling, releasing your head to the floor, look to your belly. Breathe space between your shoulder blades. Inhale back to cow pose. Move through a few cat cows following your own inhales and exhales. Provides gentle massage to the spine and belly organs, relieveing stress.

        Janu Sirsasana- Extend your right leg and bend your left leg, foot into the right inner thigh, knee to the ground. Remove the flesh of your sits bones to ground your legs to the floor. Fold forward between the legs. Breathe here for 5 -10 breaths. Inhale, slowly rise, and twist to the right, folding over the straightended leg. Work to frame the right leg with your hands, folding with a long spine and open heart. Take 5- 10 breaths here. Inhale back up to center and switch legs.

   Halasana (Plow Pose) – Lie down on your back with your arms beside you, palms down. As you inhale, use your abs to left your feet off the floor, raising your legs vertically to a 90 degree angle (toes point up to the sky). Continue to breathe normally, and supporting your hips and back with your hands, lift the hips off the ground. Allow the legs to sweep over your head, until your toes touch the floor. The back should be perpendicular to the floor. It may be difficult at first, but do this slowly and gently. Ensure you do not strain your neck or push it into the ground. Hold this pose and let your body relax. Your will steady with breath. Hold for a minute and gently bring your legs down on an exhalation, one vertebrate at the time.

    Core Stretch – After plow, to stretch open the chest, bring a bed pillow or yoga bolster beneath the heart. Let your arms rest to your sides in a T position palms up to receive. Breathe here for a minute of two.

       Legs up the wall – Move the pillow or bolster under your hips, lift legs up the wall or into the air. This is a full body detox, when your legs and hips are higher than your heart, and the head is below the heart. Keep arms by your side, or clasp elbows overhead. Rest, and breathe. Stay here for a minute or two, and focus on your inhales and exhales. Let the breath be soft and flow naturally.

Slowly release from the wall, put your pillow back on your bed and get right in! Feel the sense of calm in your body from head to toe. Feel how the tension was released from your hips, the thighs opened, the space between your shoulders opened, your heart opened, the cooling feeling from the forward fold, the rinse of the twist, how plow pose stimulated the shoulders and spine, and finally how the pillow fully supported you to release down, to release into the ground and let your tensions and worries melt away.

Let the Zzzz’s come and tomorrow you will wake up feeling renewed and rested! 

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