Wednesday, September 18, 2013

(be) fearless

My Mantra for the Fall: I am fearless. I am free. When you fill your life with love, there is nothing to fear. Don't hold back. Enjoy every moment that comes your way. Let the joy of being alive fill you from head to toe. This beautiful earth supports us. The universe has provided us with all we need. I am fearless. I am free. 

I often hold back on the mat. I am afraid. I am afraid of inversions, of going into a deep backbend. If this is a fear of falling or failing, I am not sure. But, the fear is there. I am committed this Fall to let go of these fears, and jumping in. Trying it all. Falling is part of the practice. And there is no such thing as failing if you give it a try. I know that letting go and trying it all will deepen my practice and my classes. 

As you can see above - I am working on my King Pigeon (Kapotasana). I'm not there yet, but practicing each day will bring me closer and closer. This pose stretches the entire front of you body and deep into your hip flexors. King Pigeon strengthens your back muscles and stimulates the organs of your abs and beck. It is a wonderful but very deep backbend. And as I said before - I know I have the support of the earth and universe. I can trust myself, let go of fear, and go for it. 

“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it fearlessly.” - Steve Maraboli 

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